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Case Studies and Research

These are a few selected case studies of mysteries we have been involved in and/or helped to solve. They are shared here only with the permission of those involved and with their identities protected.

Also, in some locations, we've gathered research data for Project Half-Life, a study that could have seismic effects on certain common beliefs about ghost interactions during paranormal investigations.
We encounter a wide variety of cases, including alleged possessions, negative attachments, incubus and succubus attacks, poltergeist activity, Ouija misuse, cryptid sightings and attacks, UFO/UAP encounters and abduction claims, commercial property and home hauntings.


The Haunted Barn Conversion,
Shropshire, England

Featured in an episode of

Beast Seekers Stream TV series 

Case Overview: The residents reported hearing running and heavy footsteps inside the house, the pet dog being regularly terrorised, and shadow figures stalking those sleeping.
Location: Oswestry, Shropshire, England.
Key Points:

  • The double barn conversion house consists of two large stone-built barns joined together to make one home.

  • Since 2009, there has been some sort of construction/building/demolition work taking place in the house or outside near/around the house.

  • Since buying it in 2009, the owners frequently experienced strange feelings that there was something anomalous lurking there.    

  • Regular and disturbing anomalous activity began manifesting and then escalating after the main construction had been completed, and they took residence there circa 2013

  • One of the owners had been forced to use the Ouija Board as a child by a progressive Religious Education teacher when at school.

  • Their pet dog is often attacked by something unseen and is clearly too frightened to either go into the house/certain rooms and then barks to be let outside and once there, it will not return easily.

  • Visiting family members have also experienced anomalous activity, and one will not return after the Boxing Day 2021 incident when they were stalked by a shadow figure.

  • The grandson had regularly experienced the sensation of a ghostly presence in his room, but this anomaly was resolved when Kelly and Helen discovered that the bedside alarm clock emitted dangerously high levels of EMF, which can cause this sensation.

  • A mysterious outline of a head appears on a leather sofa in one of the lounges.

  • Many people have frequently heard the sounds of heavy footsteps and sometimes running feet along the upstairs corridor at varying times.

  •  Bond, ‘The Ghosthunting Greyhound’ was present with two team members as they performed the walkthrough and certain baseline tests.  He reacted to clearly identify the rooms that were most troubled and the specific places within those rooms.  This accurately corresponded with what we later learned from the owners.  Therefore, Bond enabled us to better focus our efforts, experiments, and instrument deployment in the most affected locations.

This case is currently classed as closed; however, the Paranormal Rescue team monitor the situation.

Lilford Hall

Oundle, Northamptonshire, England

Lilford Hall was the home of Robert Browne, the man who got the Pilgrim Fathers onto the Mayflower. The estate was also home to President George Washington’s mother and President Quincy Adams’ family. The oldest part of the 100-room building was built in 1495 as a Tudor building, with a Jacobean exterior extension added in 1635 and a Georgian interior in the 1740s. 


The Haunting of Lilford Hall is one of the most baffling cases ever recorded of paranormal activity experienced simultaneously by multiple people, with some of it hostile. They experienced doors that refused to stay closed, debris was thrown at them, and they had a door silently ripped away from the hinges and doorframe while they were in the next room. There were even several recorded multi-witness apparitions of a man fitting Robert Browne’s description. It is believed by many that the ghost of Robert Browne, the “Grandfather” of the United States as a nation, still haunts Lilford Hall today.


Since this is technically an ongoing case, and at the owners' request, we cannot reveal more than what has already been documented in the book The Haunting of Lilford Hall. We suspect that this case will remain in the ‘ongoing’ category for a while longer. 

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The Old Mill House  Polperro BBC Radio Cornwall Interview

The Old Millhouse Inn Polperro, Cornwall

The Old Millhouse Inn in Polperro, Cornwall, England, presented an extraordinary and intriguing case.
In 1976, the then-owners invited a friend to stay, but unfortunately, during her visit, the great flood of ’76 swept through the village, leaving death and mayhem in its wake.
When the flood struck, the visitor was trapped in the bar area, and as the flood waters rose so rapidly, it prevented her from escaping without the assistance of the landlord, who was then swept away and drowned as he saved their guest.
Later, after the funeral, the visitor left The Old Millhouse and Polperro Village, only to be killed in a road accident on her way home.  It was as if death should have claimed her in the flood, but it was prevented, so death claimed her afterwards.
Since then, The Old Millhouse Inn has produced many strange reports from owners, staff, and guests, as well as some baffling CCTV footage.
CCTV footage from The Old Millhouse showed many mysterious things, including a shadow figure standing at the bar and glasses being pushed off of the bar and landing on the floor.
The case was complex but is now considered closed; however, the Paranormal Rescue team monitor the situation. 

Overnight CCTV Footage of Suspected Paranormal Activity in The Old Millhouse Inn Polperro, Cornwall

(Videos 1 to 3 in real-time, close up, and slow motion respectively - from camera 5)


Look at the right hand side of the bar.

(Videos 4 to 6 in real-time, close up, and slow motion respectively from camera 6)


Look at the left hand side of the bar.

Suspected Paranormal Activity in front of Customers Mid-Evening in The Old Millhouse Inn Polperro, Cornwall

CCTV footage of the Landlord, Brian Morgan, the former owner of The Old Millhouse Inn who is behind the bar mid-evening when a glass gets mysteriously pushed by something unseen towards him and falls.


The case is currently classified as closed.

(Videos 1 to 3 in real-time, close up, and slow motion respectively - from camera 5)


Look at the left hand side of the bar.

The Villa Vetti

Pompeii, Italy

Pompeii was an ancient city near Naples in Italy. Along with Herculaneum, it was buried under 4 to 6 m (13 to 20 ft) of volcanic ash and pumice in the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. Organic remains, including wooden objects and human bodies, were interred in the ash, and people and animals were instantly burned and turned into pumice stone statues depicting their hideously painful last moments alive.


We were asked to help by some official tour guides after several had experienced anomalous phenomena while checking the site for any remaining tourists before closing each evening. This was a personal case for our founder, Brian Sterling-Vete because the Villa Vetti has been traced by historians as a distant family home. 

Several interesting results came from visits over several days, and most indicate Stone Tape Theory as the most likely answer to many of the problems reported.  However, this does not explain everything reported, so the case remains open, and we look forward to returning if invited. Note: we are officially limited in what we can currently reveal.

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The Villa Vete in Pompeii case 01
The Villa Vete in Pompeii case 02

Malevolent Shadow Figure Sandbach,

Cheshire, England

Case Overview:

A shadow figure stalking, strange noises, growls, footsteps, and physical attacks.
Location: Sandbach, Cheshire, England.
Key Points:

  • The homeowner is/was a single female parent living with a 10-year-old male child.

  • The parent had recently had an emotionally disturbing relationship breakup, causing emotional stressors for both the parent and the child/children.

  • Shadow figures were seen sometimes with glowing red eyes, deep growls and footsteps were heard overnight, bedclothes tugged, the sensation of something sitting on the bed, the sensation of something pressing the child down on the bed overnight. The child was scratched by what appeared to be a triple claw-shaped instrument/hand on the boy's back in a place he would not easily be able to self-harm.

  • The Paranormal Rescue team forcefully cleared every room of the house, resolving all issues.

The case is classed as resolved; however, the Paranormal Rescue team monitor the situation.
NOTE: There are certain typical elements and experiences in cases like this that include:

  • A single female parent, usually middle-aged, living alone with a child or children with an average age of between 9 and 14 years.

  • The parent has usually gone through or is still going through either an emotionally disturbing relationship breakup or divorce. 

  • Child/children are usually, although not always, female.

  • The house is not too old; however, the age and history seem to be of little overall significance to the anomalous activity that is reported.

  • Shadow figures are seen by many.

  • Shadow figure with glowing red eyes at times.

  • Feeling that something is sitting on the bed occasionally.

  • Bedsheets were pulled off the bed at night.

  • Strange footsteps and growls.

  • The sensation of being held down on the bed.

  • In most scenarios, this is as far as it goes; however, if it escalates, the child/children are sometimes painfully attacked by an unseen hand/claw, resulting in triple claw marks.

  • A local member of the clergy is often called in to bless the house, but this usually makes matters worse.

There are a surprising number of cases that include all or most of the above elements listed above.  Therefore, we believe that with proper research, these commonalities may help to identify certain key trigger elements.
This case is currently classed as closed: however, the Paranormal Rescue team monitor the situation.

The Arkansas Poltergeist

Case Overview: 

Poltergeist-like activity, stalking, physical attacks, unusually high electricity use, reports of local witchcraft, local inexplicable cattle mutilations.
Location: Jonesboro, Arkansas, USA.
Key Points:

  • The house is a double-wide/trailer type of home on 1 acre of land.

  • A married couple with five female children, one of whom is autistic.

  • The family are Baptist Christians.

  • The wife’s mother is a Wiccan.

  • Power lines are near the house, but there are no large electrical power grid transformers.

  • However, the house experiences an inexplicably high electricity use that no engineer has been able to explain so far.

  • Doors to the home are often found wide open.

  • Saw/felt a small person/child’s body behind a shower curtain that, when opened, revealed none to be there.

  • Occasionally, the parents experience being touched by unseen ice-cold hands.

  • A towel was pulled out of the father’s hand in the bathroom by something unseen.

  • The curtains around the house occasionally move as if there is a strong breeze; however, there is none, and neither heating nor A/C is active.

  • Frequently finding all cabinet doors and drawers open in the kitchen, usually in the early hours, circa 0400 to 0600 hrs.

  • An escalation saw cabinet doors sometimes being slammed shut and open again during the night.

  • Certain objects are either moved or removed, and sometimes, after being lost, they reappear in mysterious and obvious places.

  • Shadow figures are frequently seen overnight.

  • The TV and other electrical appliances randomly turn on and off.

  • Sounds of footsteps are heard around the house.

  • Chairs and keys are randomly moved, and loud noises are made as they do so.

  • A full set of CCTV equipment is to be installed to monitor and record activity.

This case is currently classed as ongoing.

The Polperro Poltergeist,

Cornwall, England

Case Overview: 

Poltergeist-like activity, in and around the bedrooms of a hotel and pub.
Location: Polperro, Cornwall, England.
Key Points:

  • The stone building is approximately 500 years old. It has a bar area, a small restaurant, and seven guest bedrooms.

  • Hotel staff frequently complained that after laying out towels at the foot of the bed/s in each room, which is standard practice for the hotel, after leaving the room completely and later returning, the towels had been moved from the foot of the bed/s to the top of the bed/s near the pillows.

  • Also, because some staff members became so frightened, the room service staff often insisted on working in pairs and several times even had the manager accompany them. They all witnessed the same phenomenon after exiting and later returning to several of the rooms and after a circa 5-minute wait outside with the door closed.

  • All members of the room service team became increasingly frightened by escalating events.

  • One manager of the hotel was so deeply disturbed that she left the hotel after what she described as a particularly frightening experience.

  • An increasing number of guests then began complaining that some of their belongings were inexplicably moved while they were out during the day or overnight while they were asleep.  The hotel room service staff never touched the belongings of any of the guests.  Some guests even began hearing strange voices whispering while they were in bed at night.  The whispers were extremely low-level and indecipherable; however, several guests spread over several months all reported similar phenomena.  With an increasing number of guests becoming so disturbed by the paranormal phenomena taking place in their rooms, it then began to have a negative effect on business, so the Paranormal Rescue team were called to help.

  • The Paranormal Rescue team investigated and eventually contacted an entity that they believed was causing the phenomena.  After asking the entity, “Why do you move the towels?” they captured a good quality EVP saying, “That maid is fussy,” which seemed to be a coherent and relevant direct reply to their question.  This EVP was played on BBC Radio Cornwall when The Paranormal Rescue team were guests on the Debbie McCrory show near Halloween time in 2018. 

  • The Paranormal Rescue team performed a clearing, and the phenomena at the hotel ceased for both the staff and guests.

The case is classed as resolved; however, the Paranormal Rescue team monitor the situation.

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Ancient Alien Evil

North Oaks, MN, USA

Case Overview: 

There was a malevolent shadow figure stalking, strange noises, guttural growls, footsteps, a large sheet of tabletop glass shattered in the night, pets attacked, and witnesses saw them thrown across the room, the occasional stench of evil, strange lights outside in the forest, and physical attacks on humans.
Location: North Oaks Nature Reserve, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
Key Points:

  • The homeowners were a family of 4, a couple, plus two teenage female stepchildren.

  • One parent had recently had an emotionally disturbing relationship breakup, causing stressors for both parents 

  • Shadow figures were seen sometimes with glowing red eyes, deep guttural growls and footsteps were heard, bedclothes tugged, the sensation of something sitting on the bed, the sensation of something pressing sleepers, including some guests, down on the bed overnight, the children were unharmed, but the pets were attacked. Certain indicators pointed towards a potential alien connection.

  • The presence of ancient evil was detected. Two clearings were performed, one with a local team, and then three years later, the Paranormal Rescue team performed a forceful clearing/exorcism to resolve the issues.

The case is classed as resolved; however, the Paranormal Rescue team monitor the situation.
NOTE: This case has certain typical elements, and it is classed as closed; however, the Paranormal Rescue team monitors the situation.

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The Kirkbride Asylum

Fergus Falls, Minnesota, USA

Case Overview:

A movie crew was on location for several weeks filming a horror movie.  It is important to note that they never used any of the paranormal events as leverage for publicity because they were all so deeply moved and in genuine fear of the events that they had experienced. Poltergeist-like activity in and around the asylum, apparitions of grotesque and misshapen people, physical attacks to cast and crew included debris thrown at them and several people received triple claw-like scratch marks, fully charged batteries would drain instantly; shadow figures were captured on recordings, security guards would report being stalked by loud footsteps, visiting police officers reported that since several officers have seen apparitions and had debris thrown at them over the years, few will venture there after dark unless they must.
Location: Fergus Falls, Northern Minnesota, USA.
Key Points:

  • The building was opened in 1890 and has seen much death and suffering.

  • Lobotomies were frequently performed; some patients were subjected to sadistic treatment, and one was accidentally boiled alive in a treatment bath that was mistakenly left unattended.

The case is classed as unresolved because the Paranormal Rescue team were only asked to protect the cast and crew.  This location would require a substantial team deployment with a wide range of equipment and researchers, but one day, we hope to be recalled to perform more work there. 


North Oaks Lights

St. Paul, MN, USA

Case Overview: 

The residents of the house in North Oaks, where there was an ancient evil entity exorcised, also experienced a phenomenon known as The North Oaks Lights. These are strange lights that hover in the same position in the deep forest; they do not move on the wind or as if insets were the cause, and they are most visible during the winter months. It seems highly likely that the ancient evil from the house is connected with the lights since the residents became fascinated by the lights and signalled and interacted with them by flashing torchlight.
Key Points:

  • The lights seem to be intelligent or under intelligent control.

  • Several investigations have taken place over the years and none has revealed the cause. One group using Mel Meters reported a sudden reading of 666.

  • A group investigating during the winter at night were chased out of the forest by the lights as if being attacked, causing two members of the group to fire pistol shots at the lights as they fled.

  • There seems to be a link between the activity of the lights and attacks on both pets and humans.

The case is classed as unresolved.  The Paranormal Rescue team were only asked to help resolve the issues in the house.  However, a brief investigation of the forest lights was performed with almost every visit. One day, we hope to return and perform more research there to see if there is any similarity between these lights and the Hessdalen lights in Norway.
This case and the Hessdalen lights are featured in the book Paranormal Investigation: The Black Book of Scientific Ghost Hunting and How to Investigate Paranormal Phenomena.

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The Tjanagata House

Reykjavík, iceland

Case Overview:

The Tjarnagata House in Reykjavík, Iceland, is where Paranormal Rescue founder Brian Sterling-Vete once lived with a colleague, Cliff Twemlow, while the two were working in Iceland.

The house sits next to a large lake in the city of Reykjavík, The Tjarnagata, and almost from the first days of living there, they were able to experience and research the paranormal activity taking place in the basement. This activity deeply affected the owners of the house and seemed to be either a poltergeist or poltergeist-like in nature. Even visitors to the house, including the 4-time World’s Strongest Man, Jon Pall Sigmarsson, were scared away.

Key Points:

  • Objects were frequently moved and thrown in front of several witnesses, including some large candlesticks from a mantle.

  • A shirt lying on a chair belonging to Brian was made to hover in mid-air and then move across the room before being flung against the wall, witnessed by two people a short distance away.

  • The gym owned by Finnur Karlsson and used by Jon Pall Sigmarsson was frequently reported as haunted by members training overnight or in the early hours.  Paranormal Rescue investigated there on several occasions and recorded similar anomalies but nothing of a malevolent nature.

  • The Paranormal Rescue team believes that Iceland is one of the most paranormally active locations they have visited.

The case is now closed since the paranormal rescue team performed a total house clearing on the last visit. This case is featured in two books:

Tuxedo Warriors and the other in Paranormal Investigation: The Black Book of Scientific Ghost Hunting and How to Investigate Paranormal Phenomena.


Ä gantija

Megalithic Temple Complex, Gozo, Malta

Paranormal Rescue

Project Half-Life Research Study

Research Project Name: Half-Life

Members of the Paranormal Rescue team have been working for over a decade on a special research mission called Project Half-Life. This involved several research missions to various historical sites around the world, including Ä gantija on the Mediterranean island of Gozo in Malta. This is a megalithic temple complex from the Neolithic era circa 3600–2500 BC. The Ä gantija temples are the earliest of the Megalithic Temples of Malta and are older than the pyramids of Egypt. Their makers erected the two Ä gantija temples during the Neolithic, which makes these temples more than 5500 years old and the world's second oldest existing manmade religious structures after Göbekli Tepe in present-day Turkey. 

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Temple of Poseidon

Cape Sounion, Greece

Paranormal Rescue

Project Half-Life Research Study

Research Project Name: Half-Life

Members of the Paranormal Rescue team have been working for over a decade on a special research mission called Project Half-Life. This involved several research missions to various historical sites around the world, including the Temple of Poseidon on Cape Sounion, Greece. This ancient Greek temple was built circa 700 BC and dedicated to the god Poseidon, who was considered the master of the sea. Other famous ancient landmark structures have been researched in Greece, including The Parthenon and The Temple of Hercules.

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Rome, Italy

Paranormal Rescue Callout and

Project Half-Life Research Study

Research Project Name: Half-Life

Members of the Paranormal Rescue science team have been working for over a decade on a special research mission called Project Half-Life. This involved several research missions to various historical sites around the world, including the Colosseum in Rome, Italy.  This is the largest ancient amphitheatre ever built and is still the largest standing amphitheatre in the world. It could hold an estimated 50,000 to 80,000 spectators at various points in its history. Completed in 80 AD it is built of travertine limestone, tuff (volcanic rock), and brick-faced concrete, a combination which seems to possess some curious properties when it comes to Stone Tape Theory. 

  • Paranormal Rescue helped resolve certain phenomena that were becoming increasingly disturbing to some of the staff who worked there after the public had left. 

  • Several interesting data elements were captured. However, Stone Tape Theory seems to be the most likely answer to the reported phenomena.

  • While on the callout, certain research for Project Half-Life was performed. 

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Conwy Castle, Wales

Paranormal Rescue Callout and

Project Half-Life Research Study

Private Case.
The Paranormal Rescue team have been involved in several research missions to various historical sites around the world, including Conwy Castle, Wales. Conwy Castle is a mediaeval fortification in Conwy, located in North Wales, built by Edward I between 1283 and 1287. 

  • Paranormal Rescue helped resolve a disturbing issue experienced by a member of the staff working there.

  • Since this was not an official visit, we cannot reveal more.

  • Several interesting elements were captured, involving what seems to be evidence supporting Stone Tape Theory.

  • While on the callout, certain research for Project Half-Life was performed. 

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Soudan Mine, MN, USA.

Paranormal Rescue Research

The Soudan Underground is on the south shore of Lake Vermilion, in the Vermilion Mountain Range of Northern Minnesota. 

It is Minnesota's oldest, deepest, and richest iron mine, and part of the mine now hosts the Soudan Underground Laboratory. 

We investigated there in 2018, focussing on the deepest and most remote section, level 27.  
This is 2,341 feet (713.5 m) below the surface, with more than fifty miles of drifts, adits, and raises.  

We switched off all walkie talkies and electrical equipment to stand in total darkness except for the ITC device, Ovilus, and EMF meters.  At that depth and location, no external radio signals could penetrate, no external sound could penetrate, and there was no electrical cabling for lights. Technically, only cosmic rays can penetrate this depth, where the neutrinos can leave a cosmic-ray record in buried rocks.

Our ITC devices picked up coherent replies to questions supported by Ovilus data and EMF readings, all where it should be impossible to receive any erroneous external communication, signals, or other contamination.  

The data received via ITC device and Ovilus supported information we later researched about fatalities in that section of the mine.

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UAP Incident, MN, USA.

In 2017, members of Paranormal Rescue were guests of the TIPS (The International Paranormal Society) team to explore the graves of the victims and supposed perpetrators on the 100th anniversary of the 1917 axe murders.
The state museum had even permitted us to take the murder weapon to each graveside to use as a trigger object. 
The TIPS team deployed a substantial range of high-quality research equipment around the area to capture any information that might be forthcoming, regardless of its format.
However, things did not go to plan.
Instead of a paranormal investigation, our entire team was thrust into a significant and baffling UFO/UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena).
Perhaps the most significant feature was that we had already deployed measuring equipment and were recording data when each of the three consecutive encounters occurred.
This data has been collated, filed, and shared with MUFON - The Mutual UFO Network.

William A. Irvin - Ship

Duluth, Minnesota, USA.

Paranormal Rescue Research

SS William A. Irvin is an 8,240-ton, 610 ft 9.75 in (186.1757 m) freighter built in 1938 and home-ported at Duluth on Lake Superior, in the USA.

We researched this ship several times and found several areas of the ship that produced the same anomalous readings on the equipment we were using every time.

Interestingly, the centre of much of the apparently paranormal activity centred on Helen Renée Wuorio, especially while in the engine room area of the ship.

Later research revealed an amazing and thereto unknown connection. This was because William Wuori was killed as a result of a horrific accident with a burst steampipe in that area of the ship, and he is a direct descendent on her father’s side of the family.

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Terrace Mill
Glenwood, MN, USA.

The Terrace Watermill is all that remains of an old flour mill built in 1870 and operated into the mid-1890s.

We were asked to perform research there in 2017 as guests of TIPS (The International Paranormal Society).


Before the investigation, Helen Renée Wuorio focused her psychic abilities on envisioning if any significant events had ever taken place there. 


She wrote down her thoughts and placed them in a sealed envelope. When the investigation concluded at 0330 hrs, the mill owners revealed startling corroborative information regarding what Helen had envisioned and data Adrian Lee had discovered during the investigation.

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The Palmer House.
Sauk Rapids, MN, USA.

The Palmer House is a historic hotel built in 1901 and expanded in 1916. It has been heavily featured in several paranormal TV shows because various people have reported anomalous and disturbing activity there, including disembodied voices, rapid temperature shifts, doors slamming shut on their own, and the sound of a child bouncing a ball or running in the hallway.


We have investigated there many times, both alone and as guests of the MPRS (the Minnesota Paranormal Research Society). 


Notably, during an investigation in 2015, two independent witnesses encountered a full-body apparition and received voice communication from it.


Over the same night, there were also several instances of furniture moving by itself, with at least two independent witnesses to each occurrence.

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Castle Street Police Station.
Bolton, England.

The purpose-built Bolton County Police Court, later Castle Street Police Station, was opened on November 6, 1876. The structure contains a large courthouse and several jail cells below ground level. We investigated here in the summer of 2020.


Our rescue dog is extremely sensitive to anomalous activity. He can detect this even before using any of our instruments, which later support his reactions and responses. Upon entering the building, he led the group to an old jail cell, and once there, he immediately began to distress due to choking.


This was so severe that we had to get him outdoors and considered emergency veterinary care. However, the attack subsided and has not recurred.  


We later discovered that the spot in the jail cell where his choking attack began was the precise location where, many years ago, a prisoner had committed suicide by hanging.

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Bodmin Jail.
Bodmin, Cornwall, England.

We were the keynote speakers at the Bodmin Jail paranormal conference 2018. 


After our presentation, we were invited to investigate the imposing and menacing structure built in 1779. 


Over the years, there have been many deaths there, some by suicide, some by inmates murdering other inmates, and even more by execution. 


We discovered several hotspots in certain places in the building. 


Later, we found that every hotspot we discovered corresponded to a death that had taken place there. 

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Battle of Culloden.
Culloden Moor,
Inverness, Scotland.

The Battle of Culloden took place on the 16 April 1746 on Culloden Moor, now a short drive from Inverness.  It was both the final battle of the 1745 Jacobite Rising and the last battle to be held on British soil.


The Battle was both quick and bloody, leaving some 1,500 Jacobites dead or wounded, while government losses were lighter, with 50 dead and 259 wounded.


We investigated the battleground in 2017 and again in 2020. Each time, we established several coherent conversations relevant to the precise location on the battlefield and among the tombstones via ITC devices and Ovilus.

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Urquhart Castle.
Drumnadrochit, (Loch Ness) Inverness, Scotland.

Urquhart Castle is located in the Highlands of Scotland, east of the village of Drumnadrochit, touching the waters of Loch Ness.

The present ruins date from the 13th to the 16th centuries, but it is believed to have been the fortress of Bridei, son of Maelchon, king of the northern Picts, who was visited by St. Columba sometime between 562 and 586.

St. Columba was an Irish abbot and missionary evangelist credited with spreading Christianity in what is today Scotland. In 565, he had the now famous encounter with an unidentified animal that some have equated with the Loch Ness Monster.

It is said that he banished a ferocious "water beast" to the depths of the River Ness after it had killed a Pict and then tried to attack Columba's disciple named Lugne.

We investigated the castle in 2017, and it was highly active on both the EMF meters and ITC devices we had with us. 

Communications were established at several points around the castle, and each time, the ‘conversation’ was seemingly coherent and relevant to the location. 

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St. Michael's Mount.
Marazion, Cornwall, England.

St Michael's Mount is a tidal island in Cornwall, where the St Aubyn family has lived since approximately 1650.  

St Michael's Mount was the Cornish counterpart of Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy, France, and it had the same conical shape and tidal island characteristics.

Our investigations there revealed high levels of anomalous activity in a particularly infamous corridor part of the castle, and also in and around an old fireplace.

This will require a much more thorough and longer investigation, together with extensive research about those who lived and worked there, before any results can be evaluated.

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The Alamo.
San Antonio, Texas, USA.

The Battle of the Alamo and siege took place over 13 days from February 23 to March 6, 1836, between Mexican troops under President General Santa Anna and Texians led by the famous commanders James Bowie, of Bowie knife fame, Davy Crockett, known as The King of the Wild Frontier, and William B. Travis. 

We investigated The Alamo, which was a former mission, over two days in June 2017 and captured some fascinating data.  

Notably, a seemingly coherent conversation was held over the ITC device with what seemed to be a member of the Texian militia.  

Interestingly, this communication took place over three different parts of The Alamo with what we believe was the same entity.  

When pressed for a name, we eventually received a reply, “Davy,” but we received no other information suggesting this was Davy Crockett.

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Hell Roarin' Gulch and Mine.
Butte, Montana, USA.

Hell Roarin’ Gulch and Mine is a faithfully reconstructed old ghost town circa 1890.  

In 2015, we investigated over two dozen structures in and around the area, together with the mine entrances and head shafts.  

This included a shaft connected to a 100-foot-high headframe. We also investigated the famous Orphan Girl Mine.

The data gathered during the investigations suggested a fascinating correlation between the mining disasters and deaths that had occurred in each location over the years.

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Castlerigg Stone Circle.
The Lake District, England.

We investigated Castlerigg Stone Circle in the heart of the English Lake District on the winter solstice of 2020.  

During our day-long vigil and investigation, we found several anomalies, including certain stones that emitted baffling EMF readings.  

Even more mysteriously, when we later returned to the same stone and position, different or even no readings were emitted.  

This, therefore, suggests that the EMF readings varied according to the time of day or night.

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Shedlon Theatre front credit McGhiever.jpg

Sheldon Theatre.
Red Wing, MN, USA.

The Sheldon Theatre is a historic performance venue built in 1904.  

In 2017, we investigated there as guests of TIPS (The International Paranormal Society).  

We split into two teams to perform an experiment. One team investigated the large area immediately below the stage, while the other remained on the stage to investigate there.

Both groups used a wide array of equipment, including an ITC, an Ovilus, a voice recorder, a stills camera, a full spectrum video camera, and EMF meters.  

Therefore, audio and video recordings were made simultaneously above and below the stage.

The group below the stage physically heard and also captured on the recording devices noises coming from the stage above.  

The sound of muffled voices was heard, footsteps, and what sounded like dragging furniture across the stage.

Amazingly, the video and audio recordings performed simultaneously on the stage showed no movement from the group, which sat in complete silence for the entire time of the experiment.

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We follow the axiom of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's great detective, Sherlock Holmes.
"It is a capital mistake to theorise before one has all the data. Insensibly, one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts."

We also agree with Isaac Asimov because we believe in EVIDENCE. Isaac Asimov famously once said: "I believe in evidence. I believe in observation, measurement, and reasoning, confirmed by independent observers. I'll believe anything, no matter how wild and ridiculous, if there is evidence for it. The wilder and more ridiculous something is, however, the firmer and more solid the evidence will have to be."

Therefore, we never respond to messages that contain only a phone number and/or are brief and vague, such as "Contact me about an issue" or "I have a picture/video for you" or "I see demons/monsters" and yet do not supply any evidence.

These messages are always ignored and deleted.

If you expect a response, please ensure your request is as detailed as possible, well written, and respectful and with corroborating evidence where possible.

To send evidence, you can set up a free Microsoft OneDrive or Google account to host the files and then share them with us via these links:, OneDrive UK, or Google Drive. For video evidence, you can set up a free YouTube or Vimeo account and mark the content 'private' so that only those you share the link with can view it.

For more information please read this section HERE before contacting us.

NOTE. Due to the volume of enquiries received, we cannot respond to every message/request.

Paranormal Activity?
“Who ya’ gonna’ call…?”

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However, for now, please send a detailed message if you need help with extraordinary, mysterious, and/or malevolent anomalous activity.

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