Paranormal Rescue
The World's First Professional
International Paranormal Emergency Service
Per Mare, Per Terram, Utrinque Paratus; Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum

“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
Sherlock Holmes, in chapter 6 of the book, “The Sign of Four”
By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1890.
Paranormal Rescue is unique. It is a pioneering international non-profit paranormal emergency service that helps to solve mysterious, disturbing, and dangerous paranormal problems.
We help people and organisations of all kinds, including individuals, professionals, homeowners, proprietors of commercial establishments, hotels, outdoor locales, and even some celebrities. We always respect our clients' privacy as we try to offer a solution-focused approach. We are typically called in to help when conventional channels, such as the church or clergy, express hesitancy or outright denial.
Paranormal Rescue is unlike all typical paranormal investigation groups on TV and social media. We do not go to old, spooky buildings and strange places asking in the dark, “Is there anyone there?” trying to find paranormal activity. Instead, our clients already have baffling and sometimes dangerous paranormal problems, so:
Paranormal Activity Finds Us
Our global headquarters are in Manchester, England, with regional operational bases in Wales, Minnesota, USA, and NSW, Australia. Paranormal Rescue is strengthened by a growing network of proficient regional partner teams and bases in different states and countries, with researchers deeply committed to helping people and addressing malevolent and sometimes dangerous anomalous activity.
​​The unintentional 50/50 distribution between British and American members is a curious aspect of our core team makeup.
If you have a problem, it may be a cliché to quote the classic Ghostbusters movie line:
“Who ya' gonna' call…?”
The stark reality is, whom do you call on for help?
​Now, there is Paranormal Rescue!
Paranormal Activity Happens Everywhere 24/7
“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
Hamlet, Act 1 by William Shakespeare, 1599.
It's a common misconception that paranormal activity is confined to spooky, old, peculiar locations in the dead of night. In reality, it's a frequent occurrence, happening 24/7, often unnoticed and typically denied, in a wide range of buildings, houses, outdoor spaces, aeroplanes, ships, and surprisingly many hotels.
Regardless of the setting, people embroiled in these issues are consistently met with a sense of profound dread by those who experience them.
Consider hotels as an example. Here, a delicate line exists between possessing the quaint allure and marketable appeal of a friendly resident 'ghost' and the altogether different scenario of hotel patrons being subjected to malevolent phenomena that incite terror.
Some individuals even try to deny the existence of paranormal activity due to their religious beliefs. However, they are surprised when faced with the fact that if it doesn't exist, then why do all major world religions, including their own, have significant departments dedicated to dealing with it? The Vatican, for instance, currently has a roster of at least 250 exorcists operating in over 30 countries, with those in Italy alone conducting over half a million exorcisms annually.
Paranormal Rescue confronts troubling and inexplicable anomalies head-on, striving to identify practical solutions to perplexing paranormal quandaries. Any research data gathered increases our overall understanding of anomalous phenomena. This includes Project Half-Life, a groundbreaking initiative with the potential to revolutionise our understanding of specific paranormal phenomena. Interestingly, there are manifold connections between the UFO/UAP phenomena and paranormal occurrences.
Paranormal Rescue?
Apply by email and we will arrange a call.
We hope to have a 24/7 call service soon.